Case Report

Spontaneous corpectomy and anterior arthrodesis in lumbar spine: how Ankylosing Spondylitis can resolve a vertebral fracture

Daniele Vanni, Andrea Pantalone, Stefano Di Carlo, Vincenzo Magliani, Pedro Berjano, Vincenzo Salini


Between the 80% and 90% of vertebral fractures in over 65 years people are due to osteoporosis. Over the 30% of patients affected by vertebral osteoporosis fractures needs of surgical treatment and the 12% presents complications requiring an invasive surgical approach. We report an unusual case of spontaneous corpectomy and anterior arthrodesis occurred in a patient suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis. This event invites us to reflect about the magnitude of the biological power of the bone healing, even in adverse conditions.

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